It is important to determine if the normal sequence of hormonal events leading to the growth of eggs and the release of eggs (ovulation) is working correctly through hormonal testing. In addition to specific hormones produced by your ovaries, other hormones in your body may also affect your ovaries.
Anti-mullerian hormone level (AMH) is perhaps the most important hormonal test that a woman should undergo. We can perform AMH at any time in your menstrual cycle. We can assess this even if you do not get periods at all. AMH indicates the number of eggs in your body and can be correlated to egg quality and the average percent of chromosomally regular eggs with certain levels.
Our team performs the FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) early in your menstrual cycle (Days 1, 2, or 3 of bleeding). FSH and estradiol levels provide essential information about the quantity and quality of a woman’s eggs. An abnormal or high FSH level can mean it will be more difficult for the woman to conceive. A low or average value is more reassuring.
Progesterone levels can provide useful information to confirm that you are ovulating and assess the body’s preparation for pregnancy. Our team performs this test in the second half of your menstrual cycle, approximately one week after ovulation normally occurs.
Prolactin (milk hormone) and thyroid levels can also affect your menstrual cycles and be helpful to guide treatment plans.
Finally, hormonal testing is an important part of our process. At Island Reproductive Services, we use tests to treat every patient correctly.