Have you heard of the phrase donor embryo? Island Reproductive Services has patients who have completed their families through IVF with excess embryos still frozen. Patients may choose to donate these embryos anonymously to help another patient build their family.
For personal reasons, they may also prefer to have their embryos used rather than discarded or used for research. Ultimately, embryo donation provides a relatively simple way to achieve pregnancy. You may also obtain embryos from an outside agency. We can transfer those donated embryos to our facility and use them in a similar fashion.
The important thing is to understand all of your options before moving forward. Many methods, perhaps even ones you did not know about before, can transform your fertility. A donor embryo is a great option. Whether you are the one looking to donate, or the one looking to use a donated embryo, it is very rewarding.
If you are a current patient interested in donor embryos or a new patient interested in our embryo donation program, please contact us to set up a consultation. If you have any questions about using donor embryos, please contact our team, and we will provide you with the necessary resources and information.