LGBTQ+ Family Building
There are a large number of reproductive options for LGBTQ+ individuals, and at Island Reproductive Services, we realize there are different medical, legal, and emotional challenges you will face on your journey to becoming a parent. We are ready to help guide you through them! Your decision to build a family is the first step to parenthood. Our expertise and guidance is the next step. We have a wide range of services available including access to egg and sperm donors, gestational carrier options, as well as legal and emotional counseling. Island Reproductive Services provides exceptional fertility care to men and women regardless of background, marital status, sexual orientation and general identification. Let us partner with you to build your family!
The most common treatment options are Donor IUI, IVF, Co-IVF, Gestational Carrier and Surrogacy (with IUI or IVF).
Donor Insemination (IUI)
Donor insemination involves the use of an anonymous (more common) or directed (less common) sperm donor. Anonymous donor sperm is purchased from an unknown sperm donor through from a licensed sperm bank. Directed donor sperm is obtained from a known male who agrees to allow the use of his sperm without being the legally intended parent. Donor IUI is often used for lesbian couples, cis-gender/trans-couples or for single women. It may also be used for infertile couples who are unable to conceive due to severe male factor, azoospermia, or when a male carries an abnormal heritable genetic trait.
All certified sperm banks must meet adhere to federal requirements for donor screening for infectious and sexually transmitted diseases. Many sperm banks screen donors for autosomal recessive genetic traits. Island Reproductive Services is not a licensed sperm bank and cannot provide you with donor sperm, but we can accept donor sperm from any licensed sperm bank for your use.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) – Click Here to Learn More
Co-In Vitro Fertilization (Co-IVF)
Many female couples have already privately discussed each partner’s role in creating a family. Some couples are not aware of all their options. Both partners are always emotionally and parentally involved. At Island Reproductive Services we can help guide you in your journey. Some couples may choose a pathway where both partners are directly medically involved in the IVF process. One woman undergoes ovarian stimulation and extraction of her eggs to be used in conjunction with donor sperm and transfer of an embryo into her partner. This allows for a shared experience. In a future treatment, partners may switch roles to allow both partners to eventually participate in each aspect of the process.
Gestational Carrier
Gestational carrier involves using a women to carry a pregnancy and deliver a baby while using another woman to serve as the egg donor. This is a common treatment for male same-sex couples or a single male looking to build a family. In this treatment, the woman carrying the pregnancy is NOT genetically linked to the pregnancy. Ideally, a gestational carrier is a non-smoker who has already started or completed her family, is free of medical problems, has an appropriate evaluation of her uterus, and has been screen psychologically. If a gestational carrier is used for a male couple, that couple may choose to use the sperm of one or both partners to help create a family of their genetic choosing.
Gestational Carrier – Click Here to Learn More
Surrogacy is a treatment where the woman carrying the pregnancy is also the source of the egg. Although surrogacy can be achieved through both IUI and IVF, it is more commonly used in conjunction with IVF. Surrogacy, especially when the surrogate is not a known acquaintance or relative of the intended parent(s), presents different medical legal challenges. For this reason, a gestational carrier is often the preferred treatment.
Surrogacy – Click Here to Learn More