Tag: Fertility Options

November 30, 2023

Infertility Treatment: 5 Reasons to Visit Island Reproductive Services

infertility treatment

For many, bringing a child into the world is a natural and joyous part of life, eagerly anticipated and celebrated. Yet, for millions of individuals and couples worldwide, the journey to parenthood is filled with challenges, frustrations, and heartaches. Fertility issues, encompassing a range of physical, emotional, and psychological complexities, are a deeply personal and often silent struggle that can test the resilience of those who experience them. Luckily, infertility treatment options are available.

Infertility Treatment With Island Reproductive Services

Island Reproductive Services provides treatment for all of your reproductive needs. With our 10,000-square-foot IVF center in Staten Island and our 4,000-square-foot IVF center in New Jersey, we provide infertility treatment with exceptional pregnancy rates. We commonly treat women with abnormal menstrual cycles, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and many other disorders.

1. Expertise and Specialized Care

Fertility clinics are staffed with highly trained and experienced professionals, including reproductive endocrinologists, embryologists, and fertility nurses, who specialize in diagnosing and treating fertility issues. These experts have a deep understanding of reproductive biology and are well-versed in the latest advancements in assisted reproductive technologies. Their knowledge and expertise enable them to develop personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique needs.

When you visit Island Reproductive Services, you gain access to a team of dedicated specialists who are committed to helping you navigate the complexities of fertility issues. We can conduct comprehensive assessments to identify the underlying causes of infertility and recommend evidence-based infertility treatment options, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), intrauterine insemination (IUI), or other therapies to increase your chances of conceiving.

2. Advanced Diagnostic Tools and Testing

Fertility clinics are equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and testing capabilities that allow for a thorough evaluation of both female and male reproductive health. These tests can uncover underlying issues that may be contributing to infertility, such as hormonal imbalances, structural abnormalities, or genetic factors. These diagnostic techniques may include blood tests to assess hormone levels, ultrasound imaging to visualize the reproductive organs, and semen analysis to evaluate sperm quality and quantity.

3. Personalized Treatment Plans

No two infertility treatment journeys are the same, which is why fertility clinics prioritize individualized treatment plans. After a thorough evaluation, fertility specialists work closely with patients to develop personalized treatment strategies that address their specific needs and goals. With Island Reproductive Services, your individual needs become our motivation. After learning about your goals, your past history, and often your apprehensions, treatment options are discussed with you and/or your partner.

4. Emotional and Psychological Support

Dealing with infertility treatment challenges can be emotionally and psychologically taxing. The journey often involves a rollercoaster of emotions, from hope and anticipation to disappointment and grief. Fertility clinics recognize the importance of providing comprehensive support beyond medical interventions. Many fertility clinics may offer counseling services or other resources to help patients cope with the emotional aspects of infertility. These services provide a safe space for individuals and couples to share their experiences, gain insights, and find support within their community.

5. High Success Rates

Fertility clinics have a track record of success in helping patients achieve their dream of parenthood. The combination of specialized expertise, advanced treatments, and individualized care contributes to higher success rates compared to attempting to conceive without medical intervention. For more information about Island Reproductive Services success rates, visit https://ivfny.org/success-rates.

Learn More With Island Reproductive Services

Seeking help from a fertility clinic is a proactive step towards addressing fertility challenges and realizing the dream of parenthood.  Island Reproductive Services’ mission is to provide supportive, patient-oriented services in a relaxed, non-threatening environment. Our compassionate doctors and staff are concerned about their patients and understand the emotional turmoil and stress resulting from infertility problems. After receiving patient input, treatment options are established to ensure the patient receives the best medical care based on his/her infertility needs. The Island Reproductive team is here to answer your questions about infertility treatment! Check out our website or give us a call at (718) 948-6100 for more information.

October 31, 2023

Supporting LGBTQ+ Family Building: Fertility Options And Considerations

LGBTQ+ Family Building

In a world that celebrates love in all its forms, LGBTQ+ family building and planning has emerged as a powerful testament to the profound bonds that connect individuals, couples, and families. The journey to parenthood for LGBTQ+ individuals and couples is a unique journey that offers many options and considerations.

LGBTQ+ Family Building

Island Reproductive Services recognizes the diverse reproductive options available to LGBTQ+ individuals. We understand that your path to parenthood involves unique medical and emotional challenges. We are here to offer our guidance and support every step of the way. Continue reading to learn more about LGBTQ+ family building, including donor IUI, IVF, Co-IVF,  Gestational Carrier, and Surrogacy (with IUI or IVF).

Donor Insemination (IUI) 

Donor insemination involves the use of an anonymous or directed sperm donor. Anonymous donor sperm is purchased from an unknown sperm donor from a licensed sperm bank. Directed donor sperm is obtained from a known male who agrees to allow the use of his sperm without being the legally intended parent. Donor IUI is often used for lesbian couples, cis-gender/trans-couples, or for single women. It may also be used for infertile couples who are unable to conceive due to severe male factors, azoospermia, or when a male carries an abnormal heritable genetic trait.  

All certified sperm banks must meet and adhere to federal requirements for donor screening for infectious and sexually transmitted diseases. Many sperm banks screen donors for autosomal recessive genetic traits. Island Reproductive Services is not a licensed sperm bank and cannot provide you with donor sperm, but we can accept donor sperm from any licensed sperm bank for your use. 

Co-In Vitro Fertilization (Co-IVF)

Co-in vitro fertilization (Co-IVF) is a fertility treatment that allows both partners in a same-sex female couple to participate in the pregnancy process. Egg sharing in female couples can be used to allow the dual participation of female couples in the pregnancy process. The oocyte donor-partner provides the eggs, and the recipient partner provides the uterine environment for gestation. This allows for a shared experience. In a future treatment, partners may switch roles to allow both partners to eventually participate in each aspect of the process.  

Gestational Carrier

A gestational carrier involves using a woman to carry a pregnancy and deliver a baby while using another woman to serve as the egg donor. This is a common treatment for male same-sex couples or a single male looking to build a family. In this treatment, the woman carrying the pregnancy is not genetically linked to the pregnancy. Ideally, a gestational carrier is a non-smoker who has already started or completed her family, is free of medical problems, has an appropriate evaluation of her uterus, and has been screened psychologically. If a gestational carrier is used for a male couple, that couple may choose to use the sperm of one or both partners to help create a family of their genetic choosing.


Surrogacy is a treatment where the woman carrying the pregnancy is also the source of the egg. Although surrogacy can be achieved through both IUI and IVF, it is more commonly used in conjunction with IVF. Surrogacy, especially when the surrogate is not a known acquaintance or relative of the intended parent(s), presents different medical legal challenges. For this reason, a gestational carrier is often the preferred treatment.

Learn More With Island Reproductive Services

Allow us to be your partners in building the family you’ve always dreamed of. Your path to parenthood is unique, and we’re dedicated to helping you navigate it with care and compassion. Contact the Island Reproductive team today at (718) 948-6100 to learn more about LGBTQ+ family building.